Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Review Team Tools > Detailed Reviews 

Field Descriptions


  • Quick review only: Allows Reviewers to only conduct a quick review, which consists of a text recommendation. Read more about quick reviews here.
  • Full review only: Allows Reviewers to submit a full review, which consists of a text recommendation and a criteria score. Here is an example of what a Reviewer sees when submitting a full review.
  • Default to quick review: Sets the quick review option as the default, but allows the Reviewer to select the full review option if desired.
  • Default to full review: Sets the full review option as the default, but allows the Reviewer to select the quick review option if desired.

Review Team Name: Name that identifies the review team. If used, the Review Team Name will appear on the Conclusion Notification email. 

Idea Groups: Grouping by which to organize similar Ideas for actions. Idea Groups are visible only by those with a Special Role. List one Idea group name per line.

Worklist Guidance: Text to provide special guidance to Reviewers using My Review Worklist.

Review Form Edit Guidance: Text to be displayed to Reviewers at the top of the Review Idea Form, when special guidance is desired.

Review Form Read Guidance: Text to be displayed to users when viewing a submitted review.

Idea Ranking List: Enables users with the Reviewer, Executive and Administrator roles to rank Ideas according the the reviews they have received. Read more about Idea Ranking here.

Maximum Reviews per Idea: The highest number of reviews allowed for each Idea. Leave this field blank to allow an unlimited number of reviews per Idea (the most commonly used approach), add a 0 to disable the review function.

Change Area: When enabled, allows Reviewers to change an Idea’s area designation. Note that the Administrator, Oversight, Review Team Leader and Master Reviewer roles can always change an Idea’s area. 


Click here to access detailed information on setting Review Recommendations.