Preparing to use Full Reviews

Scoring Criteria

It’s best to use the scoring criteria for teams already using a scorecard, otherwise you will need to gain agreement on the weighting and meaning of the criteria as you create your own scorecard. 

The greatest downfall of using a scorecard approach is, in practice, we tend to see ideas clustering around the middle (4-6 on a 10 point scale). This then leads to the team discussing minor differences – i.e., the difference between a 4.5 vs. a 4.7. At this early stage of an Idea, it’s virtually impossible to differentiate this finely. In this case, using the H2H toolset can be much more helpful.

Completing Full Reviews

Full Reviews can completed one Idea at a time, or several at a time when using My Review Worklist For individual Reviews, the person completing the Reviews will access the Conclusion form through the Actions Menu as shown below:

Once the Full Review has been accessed, it will appear like the image below. The person reviewing the Idea then assigns a numeric score to each of the available criteria, and a recommendation to clarify the overall thought process behind the scores. Once all reviews are complete, the Idea Ranking List is used for the Review team discussion.