Idea Ranking List

The Idea Ranking List shows results from only Quick or Full Reviews.  The Idea Ranking List allows you to generate a list of ideas ranked by the reviews the idea has received. Neutral reviews are not considered. Ideas that have already been concluded are excluded from the list.

The chosen ranking determines the order in which the ideas will be displayed in the list. Rank ideas by review recommendations to sort the list by the highest recommendation that any reviewer gave an idea. The ranking is not based on the average of all reviews; it gives a higher weight to more positive reviews to highlight ideas that at least one reviewer deemed as having potential.

If full reviews have been submitted, you can also rank ideas by the highest review score that any reviewer gave an idea, or by the average score of all the reviews submitted for a given idea. Sorting by average rank orders ideas by comparing the full reviews given by each reviewer for all ideas. All the reviews by a given reviewer are ranked in score order; with the average rank being derived by comparing the rank of each idea for all reviewers.

You can filter the ideas shown by expanding the filtering section, and then choosing to limit the ideas shown by area, idea group or the minimum number of reviews it has received.Click an idea title from the list to display it in a new window. The Kudos level for each idea is displayed for reference purposes but does not factor into the ranking. You can select ideas from the ranking list to mass review, mass conclude or export.