While Innovation Central won’t prevent you from changing the review type in the middle of an event, it is strongly suggested you avoid this as it may have unexpected results. You can, however, use Bubble Up and Head-to-Head Reviews, along with regular reviews during the same event.

We discourage changing review type during an event because there is potential for missing or inaccurate data. For example, if you start with a quick review and then switch to a full/detailed review, the early reviews will be missing the scoring criteria items, so use of filters and any decision-making based on those items may be affected. 

Changes to the recommendation categories can result in differences in overall ratings.  Moving recommendations between positive/neutral/negative only affects the reviews completed after they’ve been re-ordered, and could affect the ratings list order. 

Neutral recommendations are treated as zero and left out of overall recommendation score calculations, which can result in these Ideas having no score and therefore, not appearing in the ranking list at all.