Review Process Purpose

As you prepare to set up your Review Process, there are a few basics to know. Innovation Central offers the opportunity to make decisions around early stage concepts by using a Review Process. This section outlines the considerations that go into a successful review process. For additional context of Review during a standard challenge, see Review and Decide in the Foundational Challenge Playbook.

Early stage concepts can be difficult to evaluate, because the concepts are still immature. For example, traditional ROI (Return on Investment) or NPV (Net Present Value) calculations cannot yet be expressed with enough certainty for decision making. To successfully evaluate these early concepts, Innovation Central has a variety of evaluation tools. All of the tools are designed to synthesize a diversity of perspectives in preparation for a final decision making discussion. This is an important distinction, because the Review Team needs to have a final discussion of the top concepts – simply put, there is no substitute for the business acumen, instincts and experiential knowledge of the people making the decisions.

The review tools are used after all content (Ideas, comments, voting, etc.) has been finalized. This gives the review team members an opportunity to evaluate all content holistically in the “final” state.

Review Preparation

  • Special Roles To gain access to the review tools, Reviewers need to be assigned a Review role.
  • Review Space To be effective with the review tools, Reviewers need simple instruction. Most teams have a simple walk through meeting or conference call, and then within Innovation Central offer the written instructions on the Review Space.
  • Review Menu Access to the review tools and review results on the Review Space is configured through the Review Menu.
  • Review Team Training - Use this ppt as a basis for your training (click to download) Review Team Training.ppt
  • Prep for Decision Meeting Gather the H2H results and prepare to facilitate the meeting with the team.

Innovation Central’s Review Tool Options for Assigned Reviewers

Head to Head (H2H) Review: A review method that compares two concepts against their individual ability to meet the business objectives. The result is a prioritized list of Ideas which can then be discussed and different scenarios applied. 

Quick Review: Quick Review is a review method that presents the reviewer with key choices to make an initial decision on a set of ideas. The result is the Ideas have been seen by the review team who provide an initial directional decision on the Idea.

Full Review: Provides a criteria scorecard for Idea review and decision making. The result is a total average score associated with each Idea.

Innovation Central’s Review Tool Options for The Crowd

H2H Review can also be configured for The Crowd (everyone who has been invited to the Challenge).