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Admin > Review Process Setup > Review Space

The Review Space is an additional tab for those with Review-related Special Roles to access when working with Reviews. The content is flexible based on the review process used for a specific Challenge. We recommend the following items be included as a best practice:

  • Alignment of Criteria: When judging things like speed or revenue potential, criteria can be open to interpretation. It’s often helpful to provide details around how the team should consider the criteria. For example, when considering speed it can be helpful to describe the ideal time to market or time to implementation. For revenue potential, it can be helpful to describe the revenue outcomes desired.
  • Process Expectations: Outline the timing of the review due dates, review team decision meeting, handover to implementation teams, etc. Share the larger context so the review team will know how their work impacts the next steps.
  • Process Steps: Depending on the review method used, describe how individuals actually complete the review steps.
  • Focus the Review Menu: Only include the Review Menu button options necessary for the reviewers to complete the review process for this challenge.