Head to Head Results

Once the review has been completed, you’ll need to facilitate a final decision-making discussion among the review team members. To prepare for this, your team will want to look at the review results in a few ways. Three ways to start include:

  • All criteria being equal
  • If there is only one important criterion
  • Using the 2×2 graphs

All Criteria Being Equal

In this example, each of the four criteria used in Head to Head review have been weighted equally. This gives us a prioritized list of ideas and the first five have been highlighted (by clicking on the circle appearing in the Weighted Total column). This is the default view that appears when reviewers click on Head to Head results. 

When we established our challenge, we said these were the key criteria by which we’d make our business decisions. It’s helpful for the review team to see how ideas are prioritized if all criteria were equal as a starting point.

If One Criterion is Most Important

While review teams start with all criteria being equal, the discussion usually turns to what is most important. By simply moving a slider all the way to the right, you can see how your ideas are prioritized if only one criterion were in play.

In the following example, you can see only some of our initial top ideas remain in the top ten. This gives us a good perspective because while it’s good to look at ideas from a variety of criteria, within the business it’s often revenue growth or cost reduction that are the deciding factors. Just the act of comparing these two scenarios as a basis for a discussion can be very powerful because it helps the team clarify what’s really important.

Using the 2x2 Graphs

Another great way to facilitate a review discussion is share and get reactions to the 2×2 charts. The example below shows the intersection between value and cost. The criteria of time and the Idea Form areas are also highlighted. Considering this much information gives the team greater confidence in making decisions around early stage ideas.

The ideas circled in this example remain the top 5 if all criteria are equal as a reference point. You can also see the idea title by clicking on each idea “dot”, or referring to the list on the right.

Your team is then able to finalize their top ideas at that point, you can make recommendations to the sponsor, or if the review team has the final decision, you’re able to hand over the ideas for implementation.