Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Review Menu

Review Menu

The Review Space menu is easy to configure by dragging and dropping the menu items (see picture below). The Reviewers will only see the items you’ve enabled. They will appear on the right hand side of the Review Space as clickable buttons.

Head to Head Review Options:

  • Head to Head Review – Allows a Reviewer to access H2H Review. H2H allows Reviewers to simultaneously compare two Ideas chosen at by Innovation Central’s algorithm, against a set of configured criteria.
  • Head to Head Results – Summarizes the results of the Head-to-Head review process.

Quick and Full Review Options:

  • Mass Review – Allows a Reviewer to submit quick reviews for multiple Ideas from a single screen.
  • My Review Worklist – Contains the Ideas assigned to a reviewer for evaluation. It provides convenient access to these Ideas so they can quickly conduct full or quick reviews and ensure that all of their reviews are completed.
  • Worklist Overview – Summarizes the number of final reviews each reviewer has submitted and how many Ideas remain on their worklist.
  • Idea Ranking – A list of Ideas ranked by highest review recommendation or review score.
  • Manage Reviews – Depending on roles, allows Reviewers to filter and find Ideas in order to progress the review process.

Kudos Options

  • Ideas by Kudos – View of Ideas sorted by Kudos Level. Read more about Kudos here.
  • People Kudos – View of people sorted by their Kudos Level and Style. Available only to those with Special Roles.

Other Options:

  • Ideas by Tag – View of Ideas sorted by Review Tags.
  • Mass Conclusions – Allows a Master Reviewer and/or Review Team Leader to submit quick conclusions for multiple Ideas from a single screen.
  • Innovation Analytics – Analysis tools for your data