Configuring Innovation Central

Anonymity - Full: Idea Form
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 12:15 PM
Anonymity - Partial: Idea Form
Fri, 1 Mar, 2019 at 11:22 AM
Co-Author Enabled: Idea Form
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 12:15 PM
Single Values (radio): Idea Form
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 12:17 PM
Single Values (select): Idea Form
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 12:17 PM
Flash Idea Form
Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Flash Idea Form  Sample Flash Idea Form The Flash Idea Form is used instead of the standard Idea For...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2019 at 2:11 PM
About Flash Ideation
Flash Session Definition A flash session is an ultra-short use of Innovation Central where participants use the Flash Idea Form for rapid individual ideati...
Mon, 18 Mar, 2019 at 12:25 PM
Form Options
Page Location: Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Form Options  Use this page to define various form submission options, including Idea F...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2019 at 2:18 PM
Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Flexforms  The FlexForms section is where you manage active FlexForms.  FlexForms offer the ability ...
Fri, 22 Mar, 2019 at 2:20 PM
FlexForms Setup Details
Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Flexforms > FlexForms Setup Details  This page contains setting specific to the selected FlexForm....
Fri, 22 Mar, 2019 at 2:42 PM