Page Location:

Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Form Options 

Use this page to define various form submission options, including Idea Forms, comments, reviews and conclusions.

Field Descriptions


Enable: Determines whether users can attach files to their submissions.

Maximum Per Form: The highest number of allowed file attachments. Use “-1” to allow an unlimited number of attachments.

List of File Extensions to Block: Specific file extensions not allowed as attachments. Separate file extensions with commas (for example: exe, js, zip).

Image Files:

  • Display image automatically: When image files are attached, they load within the form itself. This option may increase the form load time for large challenges.

  • Display link to open image: Links are created for attached image files, which reduces the form load time, but displays the images in a separate window.

Author Details

Determines how the author’s identifying details are displayed with the form submitted. Including author details encourages networking among challenge participants. Author details come from the users’ profile documents in the Profiles database.Example


  • Full display: Author’s name, email, image, background info and profile identifiers are displayed in the author details box.

  • Limited display: Only the author’s name is displayed in the author details box.

  • Limited display for reviews and conclusions only: Author’s name is displayed in reviews and conclusions only. Ideas, comments and expert reviews will not show any author details.  This is generally used for advanced use cases such as some Open Innovation scenarios.

Name Selection

Display: Choose to display users’ name and email address or name only in fields where users can look up other users’ names. For example, when adding a co-author or using Send-a-Link. Including email address helps get the most accurate results, but may not be desireable in advanced use cases such as some Open Innovation scenarios.


Allow: Choose to allow or disallow users to include HTML tags, or allow tags except for , which prevents JavaScript from running. Disallowing all tags will help prevent potentially malicious JavaScript.


Locking: When enabled, only one user can edit a FlexForm at a time.
Duration: Number of minutes the FlexForm will be locked (if enabled in the Locking field), after which time the lock expires and other users will be able to edit the FlexForm. The original FlexForm user will lose any changes made to the FlexForm at the lock expiration time.