Page Location:
Admin > Additional Setup > Terminology

The Terminology page is where you can change field labels, button labels and guidance text on pages in the Collaborate, Personal and Review Space pages. 

This can be particularly useful when you want to change the word "idea" to something else like "feedback".  Then, once you've configured your terminology, save it as a Template to reuse again later.

+ Terminology Configuration

Some terminology pulls in Information from the underlying document: these are identified by numbers inside braces (curly brackets).  The number is a zero-indexed counter:

1. Languages

Before you can make any changes to Terminology, you must first select a language in which to display the text. 

  • If the desired language is in the Current Languages box, then highlight the name and then click Select Language.

  • If the desired language is not in the Current Languages box, select it from the list below the Current Languages box and then click Add Language. Now highlight the language name in the Current Languages box and then highlight the name and click Select Language.

  • To delete a language from the list of Current Languages, highlight the language name and then click Remove Language.


2. Terms

 After the language is selected, click on a form or element name in the Terms section and the the labels that can be changed are displayed below in a tab format. Once you've chosen the appropriate tab, the editable fields will be presented below the tabs (as shown in 3) To locate a particular label, rather than scanning through the tabs, use the Search For This Text field.