Conclusions are Critical

Conclusions play a critical role in a variety of ways:

  • Conclusions are the final disposition associated with an idea. This conclusion stays with the idea – even in the Warehouse. No more asking, “Whatever happened to that idea?”
  • Conclusions can notify the Idea Submitter(s) of next actions through the Conclusion Notification. Keeping people informed of what happened to their individual idea is key to a successful program.
  • Conclusions prevent further actions on an idea:
    1. Conclusions prevent an idea from being included in Bubble Up and all Review Processes. It can be helpful to simply conclude ideas which are unclear, fragments or not going forward for some reason so they’re not viewed by those using Bubble Up or Review.
    2. Collaboration can be prevented from all concluded ideas. This ensures comments aren’t missed on an idea no longer under consideration.

Managing the Conclusion Process

  • Consider what final dispositions you will associate with ideas, and what messages you’d like to send to the idea submitters. These will become your Conclusion Recommendations
  • Consider the type of conclusion you’ll want. If you want a quick, text conclusion choose Quick Conclusion. If you want a full scorecard associated with each Conclusion, choose Full Conclusion.
  • Consider who will be doing the actual conclusion work and configure a Special Role for those individuals. Only Master Reviewers and Review Team Leaders can conclude ideas.
  • Consider the process you would like to follow and outside of Innovation Central, you’ll need to communicate with the appropriate team members. Generally speaking, there are some ideas concluded after idea generation, and before review in the Triage Process. This is because in almost every Challenge there are some ideas that are off topic or in some other way not fit for purpose. Concluding these at this stage simplifies the work of the Review Team. The majority of ideas are then Concluded after the Review process and before any actions are taken.