Conclusion Recommendations Drive Communication

Conclusion Recommendations communicate the final disposition of the idea and usually include a Default Public Comment. The Default Public Comment is included in the Conclusion Notification which will be sent to the idea author(s), comment author(s) and anyone following the idea. 

Typically, there three types of Conclusion Recommendations:

  • Positive Conclusion Recommendations such as “Accepted as Top Concept” or “Selected for Further Development”. These Conclusions indicate the decision was to move the idea forward in some way.

  • Neutral Conclusion Recommendations such as “Forwarded to Another Department” or “Sent to Project Team”. These Conclusions indicate the idea didn’t fit the Challenge, but might be better suited for consideration by another team, as there is merit in the idea. Idea generators can then follow up with the department or team for any further discussion.

  • Negative Conclusion Recommendations such as “No Further Consideration” or “Not Selected for Development”. These Conclusions indicate the idea was not suited for the Challenge and was not selected. It’s important to phrase the default public comment for these recommendations in a thoughtful way, so people are informed, but not deterred from future participation.

Conclusion Recommendations as seen by Special Roles

The Conclusion Recommendation also includes guidance for the person(s) actually completing the task of concluding ideas. The image below shows both the guidance and default public comment verbiage as it is being configured by someone with Admin or Review Team Leader roles.

By clicking on “Accepted as Top Concept” the review is opened for editing. This is a positive conclusion (the idea is moving forward). Full and short names are simply field labels shown when either editing or reading conclusions within Innovation Central. 

The Guidance is visible to those completing the Conclusion, so they can be certain the conclusion they’re choosing is accurate for each idea. The guidance is shown when concluding a single idea like this: 

or in the Mass Conclusion functionality when the person concluding ideas chooses Click here for recommendation guidance above the Submit button. 

Conclusion Recommendations as seen by the Idea Generators

For the idea generator(s) viewing the idea, the Conclusion Public Comment looks like this:

The individual author will then receive an email which includes the default conclusion recommendation and any personalized message as well.  It will look similar to this example: