Preparing to use Full Conclusions

  • Enable Full Conclusions in Conclusion setup
  • Configure the Criteria Scorecard
  • Configure the appropriate Special Roles
  • Walk through the process below with those concluding ideas

Completing Full Conclusions

Full Conclusions are completed one idea at a time, so the person completing the conclusions will access the Conclusion form through the Actions Menu as shown below:

Once the Full Conclusion has been accessed, it will appear like the image below. The person concluding the idea would then assign a numeric score to each of the available criteria, then a recommendation to clarify the overall thought process behind the scores. A Full Conclusion can be completed at this point by submitting it, or there are other options available for tracking additional information.

Full Conclusion Additional Information

Because the Conclusion is the final step for the idea, there is an ability to track:

  • Internal Comments & Next Steps
  • A Private Message to the Idea Author
  • A Benefit Analysis with tracking for Cost Savings, Revenue Increase and Intangible Benefits

These fields are used when tracking is desired, and the information should be visible only to those with Special Roles. For more options in tracking and making this type of information accessible by a wider audience, we recommend using Flex Forms.