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Admin > Prepare For Your Event > Collaborate Space Menu

The Collaborate Space Menu is where you determine which buttons and links are to be displayed in the Collaborate Space, as shown in this example.  It's simple to configure by just dragging and dropping the menu items (see image below).  Participants will see only the items you've enabled, and they will appear as clickable buttons, or links on the right hand side of the Collaborate Space.

The available menu options are:  (click the highlighted items to learn more)

  • New Idea - Allows users to submit new ideas between the start and end dates configured in Event Details
  • Flash Idea - Allows users to submit new ideas between the start and end dates through the Flash Idea form.  
  • Browse Ideas - View and search ideas by date, name, area and challenge.
  • Ideas by Date - Opens Browse Ideas, sorted chronologically by date
  • Ideas by Author - Opens Browse Ideas, sorted by author's first name
  • Ideas by Challenge - Opens Browse Ideas, presenting the challenge filter to users
  • Ideas by Area - Opens Browse Ideas, presenting the area filter to users
  • Ideas by Kudos - View of ideas sorted by Kudos Level, to focus on the most active ideas
  • Spotlight Ideas - View of ideas tagged as Spotlight ideas by Reviewers
  • Ideas by Star Rating - View of ideas sorted by 5-star vote average
  • Vote on Ideas - Allows users to quickly star rate all ideas they have not yet voted on from a single screen
  • Top Concluded Ideas - View of ideas that received a positive or neutral conclusion
  • Bubble Up - Allow users to promote and demote ideas with weekly credits
  • Shared Files - Upload and share files with event participants
  • Innovation Analytics - Presents Innovation Analytics to everyone with access to the Collaborate Space
  • Head-to-Head Review - Presents Head to Head Review to everyone who has access to the Collaborate Space "The Crowd"  

Please Note: If the Visual Collaboration theme is in use, the first four buttons configured will be used on the Collaborate Space. The browse more links will not be displayed on the Collaborate Space. 

  • To display a button or link in the Collaborate Space Menu, drag the button name to the Enabled section.
  • To remove a button or link from the Collaborate Space Menu, drag the button name to the Disabled section.
  • To reorder buttons or links, drag it to the desired position in the Enabled section.  The sort order for your Collaborate Space will be the same as the sort order in configuration.


Create Filter: When enabled, users can create their own filters. Existing filters will not be hidden by disabling this option, it only removes the ability to create new filters. Edit individual existing filters to hide them.