Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Flash Idea Form 

Sample Flash Idea Form

The Flash Idea Form is used instead of the standard Idea Form when you want to give your users the ability to enter multiple Ideas in rapid succession. When a user completes a Flash Idea Form, a new, blank form is automatically loaded for input of the next Idea.

To use the Flash Idea Form, simply enable it in the Collaborate Space Menu 

To learn more about the Flash Ideation process, read About Flash Ideation


Field Descriptions

Title: Label to be displayed at the top of the Flash Idea Form.

Guidance: Descriptive text that appears on the Flash Idea Form to help the author understand how to complete the form.

Additional Fields: Fields to be included on the Flash Idea Form in addition to the Idea Title and Description, which are always included. Selections here will be ignored if the item is not already enabled.

  • Areas: Displays the areas set up on the Idea Form. When Areas are enabled in the Idea Form setup, and this field is not selected on the Flash Idea Form setup, then the Area that appears first in the list of values will be used for all Flash Ideas.
  • Additional Questions: Displays all questions set up in the Additional Questions section of the Idea Form.
  • Challenge: Displays the name of the Challenge, when enabled on the Idea Form.
  • Attachment: Allows the author to attach a file to the Flash Idea Form, when enabled in Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Form Options.
  • Anonymity: Allows the author to submit the Flash Idea Form anonymously, when enabled on the Idea Form.

Navigation Bar: Determines whether the standard navigation bar is displayed with the Flash Idea Form. When disabled, users won’t be able to move to the other spaces directly from the Flash Idea Form; however, they can return to the challenge home page via the title link.

Follow This Idea: When enabled, all Flash Idea authors will receive a Followed Ideas notification email.

Additional JavaScript: Specify custom JavaScript to load when then the Flash Idea Form loads.  Only used for advanced, special use cases.

Latest Ideas Display

This area shows snippets of the most recently submitted Ideas at the bottom of the Flash Idea Form, linked to the full Idea through the Idea title.

  • Number of Ideas: Number of Idea snippets to display at the bottom of the Flash Idea Form. Enter 0 to disable this feature.
  • Refresh Interval: Number of minutes in which the Latest Ideas list is to be refreshed. Decimals are allowed in this field.