Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Head to Head Reviews 
Playbook Section:Review & Decide

For background and detailed information on the concept of Head to Head (H2H) Reviews, see About H2H Review.

Here’s what users see when performing a Head to Head Review: H2H Review Form.

Field Descriptions

Head to Head Review Setup

Enable: H2H must be enabled to use it. 

Reviewers: Whether H2H will be open to those with the Reviewer role only, or to all users who have access to the challenge (The Crowd). When The Crowd option is selected, 3 calculation fields are enabled. Get more guidance on configuring Reviewers or The Crowd below.
The Crowd

Idea Filter: Set the H2H Review to be for specific Areas, Idea Groups or Challenges. The selection here enables the corresponding field below where you specify which Areas, Idea Groups or Challenges to use. This setting is only effective with The Crowd. Reviewer’s filters are chosen under Special Roles.

Areas: Select one, multiple or All Areas.  Ideas corresponding to the selected areas will be the only ideas presented to The Crowd in Head to Head review.

Exclude Restricted Ideas eliminates restricted Ideas from the H2H review when this option is enabled. This is useful when H2H is open to all users since restricted Ideas should only be viewable by Reviewers.

Factors You can configure up to 5 factors for Reviewers to consider when performing H2H Reviews. Click on the tabs to open the factor for editing. 

  • Phrase: The statement that will follow “Which of these ideas. . . “ in the questions presented to the H2H Reviewers. For example, “is less costly to implement?”.
  • Label: An abbreviated form of the Phrase, used in reporting. For example, “Lower cost” in reference to the above example.