Warehouse Setup

With Warehouse Setup, you can enable graphic attachments to be shown automatically - this may be helpful when looking at ideas from challenges using the Visual Theme.  Additionally you can configure any footers which may already be in place in the instances and portal.


Styles can be applied to the Warehouse similar to applying styles to an instance.  Most teams do not apply styles to their Warehouse as the access is generally limited to a small group.

Admin Access

To set up Admin Access, simply type the name of the individual and select from the resulting drop down menu.  Administrators will have access to the Admin tab as well as the ability to use all of the menu functions.

Another option for warehouse access is to give everyone with Master Reviewer, or Reviewer roles access to the warehouse.  This would give these individuals the ability to see all ideas in the Warehouse, but not perform any actions with the ideas. 

Another option is to open the Warehouse to everyone to read all ideas.