Working with Individual Ideas

In the Warehouse, ideas can be actioned in bulk using the Export List.  Ideas can also be actioned individually using the menu selections described below.

1 & 2 - Original Idea Content

These sections show the original idea content such as author, areas, idea form question answers, reviews and comments.

3 - Comment

A comment can be added to an idea while it is in the warehouse.  This type of comment has the properties of keeping a note within the idea, rather than the traditional collaborative comment used in the ideation portion of the challenge.  As shown below, the comment is restricted to those who have access to the Warehouse.  For more information on access to the warehouse, see Warehouse Admin Tab.

4 - Send a Link

Similar to Innovation Central, Send A Link can be used with ideas in the Warehouse and functions exactly the same.  Only those with access to the Warehouse will see the idea, so consider that as you use this feature.

5 - Move Idea

Gives the ability to move individual ideas to open instances using the move ideas menu as described in Move Ideas from Warehouse to Instance.

6 - Delete

Those who have Administrator access to the Warehouse can delete ideas.  See Warehouse Admin Tab for details on giving Administrator access.

7 - Add to Export List

Adds an idea to your Export List.  You'll receive a confirmation letting you know the idea has been added to your Export List.

8 - Back to Results

Leaves the current idea and takes you back to the search results.