Profiles for users can be created in a number of ways, and can be easily updated when new users join your company, or when information about an individual changes. Imaginatik Support will work with you to determine your best option. The options include:

  1. SSO (Single Sign-On): With SSO, your users log into innovation Central using their existing access to your company’s intranet.  User’s passwords are part of the SSO setup, so they do not need to enter a password to log in. Depending on your company’s technical setup, Profiles for SSO access can either involve secure file transfers performed by your technical team, or can have a “just-in-time” (JIT) option that creates Profiles for new users when they log in for the first time.  Read more about SSO and JIT here.

  2. Direct secure file transfer: With this option, you upload user Profile files directly to our servers, where they are processed overnight.  Details about file format requirements for SFTP are here.

  3. User profiles submitted to Imaginatik Support: You create your user upload file using our template, and then submit it to Imaginatik Support to complete processing.  The Profiles upload template is here, and includes detailed instructions for preparing and sending your file.  

  4. User profiles file uploaded via the web:  When this option is enabled, you can upload your Profiles via the web from within the Profiles module.  Read more about web uploads here.

  5. Manually creating individual Profiles:  When you need just a few new Profiles, you can create them individually in the Profiles module, using the “new user” button.  Read more about manually adding Profiles  here.