Export Users

There may be times when it's helpful to export Profile data, such as when creating a Community for Event Access.  The Export Users function supports this effort, and gives you the options of exporting users with specific criteria.  For example, in the image above, users with a Region of North America are the only ones to be exported.  Users can then be exported for future import if this option is enabled in your environment (users are exported in the same format as the User Upload).

Upload Users

Before using this function for the first time, please work with Support.  The Support team will check the file format and offer any needed guidance.

Uploading users steps you through a series of commands to upload the Profiles data.  Simply choose the .CSV file containing Profiles data, and then click Upload and Continue.

If errors are found within your .CSV file, they will appear similar to this error message, and you will be asked to correct the errors and upload the file again.  Finally, once you confirm the changes, the upload will then complete and display a confirmation when it has finished.


Export Profiles Data

To export Profiles data, simply click the Export Users button. A full copy of the Profiles database is exported into a .ZIP file containing one or more .CSV files.