
The Profiles tab is where you can edit individual Profiles and add  new Profiles for both internal and external individuals.

To search for a specific profile:


On the Profiles tab, type the last name in the search field,  and then click find.

To add a Profile:


  1. Click the New person link, and then complete at least the required fields, indicated by a red asterisk.
  2. Click Submit

Tip: Unless you're using Single Sign On (SSO), there are fields for User ID and a password in the Profile document.  The best approach is to use a simple User ID convention, such as first name.last name or everything to the left of the @ sign in the email address.  This makes it simple for people to remember their User ID. Similarly, the initial password assigned to your users should be simple to remember to ensure ease of login.  Once the individual logs in for the first time, they will change their password to something unique, known only to that individual.

Create New Profile

To edit an existing Profile:

  1. Open the desired Profile document.
  2. Click the Edit this profile link.
  3. Make the desired changes, and then click Submit.