Page Location:Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Flexforms > FlexForms Setup Details 

This page contains setting specific to the selected FlexForm. FlexForms can be available across multiple challenges; however, the settings here are specific to the current challenge. Example

FlexForms offer the ability to follow an idea through the workflow of a business process. FlexForms track things such as progress, deadlines, actions and team members.

Innovation Central includes a standard FlexForm called The Idea Next Steps form. Custom FlexForms can be created to support your unique business processes within your organization if you have the FlexForm Configurator.  

FlexForm Properties : 

  • A FlexForm is always attached to an Idea Form (there are no stand-alone FlexForms).
  • A FlexForm allows for users to add attachments.
  • You can allow access to read and edit FlexForms.
  • People can post a comment to a FlexForm.
  • To access any FlexForm, it must be enabled within a challenge.


FlexForm Configuration Menu

Field Descriptions

1 - Setup

Description: Describes the purpose of the selected FlexForm.

  • Draft: The FlexForm cannot be used when set to “draft”.  
  • Available: The FlexForm is available for use.

2 - General Settings

Relationship to Idea: Whether there is one or an unlimited number of FlexForms allowed per Idea.  Consider whether or not multiple ideas may feed into a single FlexForm document in your workflow, or if one idea equals one flex form.
Comments: When enabled, users can submit comments on FlexForms. The comments feature must first be enabled in Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Collaboration.
Display Data: Select the fields to be displayed when viewing the Idea Form. Example
Edit Guidance: Text that guides users through data entry on a FlexForm.
Read Guidance: Descriptive text to be displayed to users when reading a FlexForm.

3 - Creation Conditions

Set the criteria to determine when users can create FlexForms. For example, all Ideas with Area 1. If you don’t set any conditions here, than users can create FlexForms for all Ideas.  This setting is generally left to no conditions set except for very specific use cases.

4 - Access

Creation, Edit and Read Access: Select the roles that can create, edit or only read FlexForms. The Person Responsible role is the individual who is responsible for ensuring the workflow is completed.
Idea Access: Enable this option when your challenge has a restricted audience, but there are those outside of the audience who need access to the parent idea.  This setting is generally used for very specific use cases, such as a highly confidential challenge.

5 - Email Alerts

This section is where you can create and manage notifications related to workflow activity. To add or edit an existing alert, click the corresponding link to access the New FlexForm Alert page.  This can be particularly powerful, as you can customize your alerts to align with your workflow.  For example, you can notify individuals when fields are updated, when new FlexForms are created or when a particular workflow stage or status has been reached.

6 - Points

This section contains the criteria used for assigning points related to FlexForm submissions. Read more about Points here

FlexForm Author: Whether the FlexForm author should received a fixed amount of points when the FlexForm is submitted, or the same amount of points awarded to the parent Idea author upon its conclusion. When choosing the Fixed Amount option, specify the number of points to be awarded in the Amount field.
People Named in Form: Whether other roles named in the FlexForm (for example, Person Responsible) should receive points when the FlexForm is submitted. If no points are to be awarded, choose the Disable option.
Idea Author(s): Whether the parent Idea author(s) should receive points when the FlexForm is submitted.