Designing Effective Recognition

Effective recognition is much more than simply turning on the "points" within Innovation Central.  Over the past several decades, much has been studied, researched and written about what motivates people, and we recommend exploring the literature as you design your recognition approach.

To get your team started, consider the attached presentation highlighting key research and how to lay out your recognition approach.


In addition to Profiles, rewards can be configured in each instance, Flexforms and within conclusions.  Points can also be awarded manually for maximum flexibility.

Configuring Rewards for Points

Within Innovation Central, you can configure different actions to trigger an award of points.  When using points, the Profiles points configuration applies to all instances, except those instances where points has been specifically configured.  This gives you the flexibility to award unique points for special challenges or programs you may be running.

Section A supports specific choices for your program.  For example, you can use the word "points" or you can use an alternate.

Section B focuses on activities across different challenges.  The more submissions in a variety of challenges, the more points are rewarded.  Additionally, bonus triggers can be set to encourage even greater participation across challenges.

Section C is for recognition points awarded within each challenge.  These can be changed for specific challenges by going into the administrator menu for that particular challenge and entering alternative points rewards value.  

Section D triggers email notifications to those who are responsible for running the points program.  For example, if it is important to recognize someone for each 1,000 points earned, the Thresholds would be set for 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and so on.  Then, each time someone crosses that defined threshold, an email would be sent to everyone listed in the Admin Email field.  The team could then congratulate the person, highlight these individuals on the Portal, etc.


Graphic Configuration

When using points in conjunction with a branded program, a graphic associated with the program can be displayed to the participants when viewing their points.  Click the link in the Graphic Configuration section to upload the image and it will be automatically displayed on the appropriate pages.