Flash Session Definition

A flash session is an ultra-short use of Innovation Central where participants use the Flash Idea Form for rapid individual ideation. You can use Flash Sessions to achieve:

  • Brainstorming & Ideation
  • Kicking off a large Challenge
  • Jumpstarting a struggling Challenge

Flash Session Benefits

Most likely, your company already holds scheduled and impromptu brainstorming sessions. Adding Innovation Central to the mix can benefit you in several ways:

  • Add content directly to Innovation Central vs. retyping Post-it notes & flip charts.
  • Leverage the Review and Analytics tools of Innovation Central on brainstorming sessions.
  • Share content of those who were “in the room” with those who were “not in the room”.
  • Expand diversity and number of participants in rapid ideation by holding virtual, flash ideation leveraging Innovation Central.
  • Introduce new teams, or busy executives to Innovation Central in a rapid, engaging, hands-on fashion.
  • Leverage the introverts who may not normally speak up in live brainstorming.
  • Minimize group think and disruptive voices of “why an idea won’t work”.

Flash Session Agenda

A Flash Session is generally 1 – 2 hours in length if you’re rapidly solving business problems. The length varies based on the number of rounds, and the number of Ideas.

Introduction of Challenge Topic & Process: 10 minutes
First phase ideation: 15 – 30 minutes
Creativity Technique or discussion: 5 – 10 minutes
Second phase ideation: 15 – 30 minutes
Recap of objectives: 5 minutes
Reading and building upon Ideas 10 – 30 minutes

Flash Session Prep

  • Consider the equipment you’ll use – laptops, tablets, conference phone, wifi (consider bandwidth/guest logins).
  • If you have face-to-face participants, create a comfortable, creative environment.
  • If you have virtual and face-to-face participants, consider emailing written guidance (or using the Collaborate Space) before the session to prepare the virtual participants.
  • Facilitation will take the place of the Challenge Introduction, so plan what you or your sponsor will cover.
  • Prepare yourself for silence – during a flash session, ideation is individual.
  • Keep several simple techniques in your facilitator’s tool kit should people get stuck. A few that are useful: Scamper Using Metaphors Random Picture/Random Word.

After the Flash Session

After ideation, there may be several paths to next steps & you’ll need to choose what makes the most sense for your particular circumstance.

  • If you’ve achieved the full objectives during the session, then you’re finished and can move on to execution.
  • If you need more Idea development or diverse perspectives, launch the concepts from the flash session into a full challenge to develop existing concepts and/or add new Ideas.
  • If you need further decision making, invite the session participants to come back and utilize Bubble Up or Head to Head Review.