Field Descriptions

Person: Type the first few letters of the user’s first or last name, and the auto-complete function will show the best matches. Select the desired name and note the associated email address automatically populates the form. The Person field becomes active again so you can add multiple users to the same roles at one time.

Roles: Select one or several roles for all users identified in the Person field.

Review Worklist:

  • Filter: Assign the users to specific or all Areas, Idea Groups or Challenges. The selection here determines which field option is displayed next.
  • Areas/Idea Groups/Challenges: Select one, several, or all.
  • Review Reminder: When this option is enabled, a review reminder email will be sent to the user according to the review reminder setup.

Conclusion Filter: This section is only displayed if the Master Reviewer or Review Team role is selected.

  • Conclusion Reminder: When this option is enabled, a conclusion reminder email will be sent to the user according to the conclusion reminder setup.
  • Areas: Select one, several, or all.