Page Location:
Admin > Additional Setup > Points 

The Points page is where you can override default settings from the Profiles module. Points are used for reward recognition. Read more about points and recognition here

To use the default settings (indicated in parenthesis for each field below), don't make any changes to this page. To disable specific points options, enter a 0 in the desired field.


Field Descriptions

Idea Submission

Single Author: Number of points to be awarded to each Idea author upon Idea submission. Points are not awarded for draft Ideas or those submitted anonymously.

With Co-Authors: Number of points to be awarded to authors with Ideas have co-authors. Choose to allocate the identified amount split equally among the author and all co-authors, or to allocate the identified number to the author and each co-author.

Bonus for Number of Ideas: Additional number of points awarded to the author who submits the Idea that is identified as the "trigger" number. For example, the author who submits the 10th Idea (trigger), is awarded 500 points upon submission of that Idea. This award is in addition to the number of points identified in the Single Author or Co-Authors fields.

Collaboration Submission

Each Comment: Number of points awarded to each comment author upon comment submission.

Each Review: Number of points awarded to each Reviewer upon submission of a review in final status. Points are not awarded for draft reviews.

Each Conclusion: Number of points awarded to each conclusion author upon submission of a conclusion in final status. Points are not awarded for draft conclusions.

Bonus For Number of Comments: Additional number of points awarded to the author when their Idea receives the trigger number of comments.