Event Export

The event export allows you to export ideas and their related content (comments, star rating, etc.) as a text or CSV file. FlexForm data is not included in this export.

Select the name of the Challenge you want to export. The current Challenge is selected by default. Use the filters provided to configure the export. Only ideas that match all filter criteria will be included in the export. You can select which related documents you want to include and if you want to include the challenge question descriptions. You can sort the ideas chronologically ascending or descending based on the date they were submitted. Finally, select the export format. For more information on exporting formats, see the general Help entry for that feature.

The event export includes the following data: idea title, idea author(s), date idea submitted, IdeaID, author profile identifiers 1-10, area(s), document type, description / content, values for each of the additional idea form questions, recommendation, attachments, values for each of the fields from the review form, values for each of the fields from the conclusion form, average score for full review, document status (if draft), idea group, challenge, document ID, author e-mail, author full name, date and time submitted (Greenwich Mean Time), restricted status, idea reference number, average 5-star rating, total 5-star ratings, and the number of rating received for each value on the 1-5 scale. 

1 - Select Event

Using the drop down menu, choose the name of the Challenge you'd like to export.  If you'd like to export data for multiple challenges, we recommend exporting one at a time for individual reports, or using the Custom Reports within Global Dashboard to combine data from multiple challenges within a single export.

2 - Filter by Area

This is the Idea Form Areas you've configured within the Challenge selected.  From crafting the Idea Form, you may remember:

3 - Filter by Idea Groups

   Gives the opportunity to filter by all of the Idea Groups used in the Challenge.

 4 - Filter by Challenge 

   Allows filtering of the content by individual Challenge Questions.

5 - Filter by Conclusion

   Allows filtering by the specific Conclusion Recommendations within the challenge.


6 - Filter by Anonymous or Restricted

   If using Anonymity or Restricted documents, these items can be included or excluded from the export. 

7 - Include Related Records

   Content associated with ideas can be either included or excluded in the export results.

8 - Include Challenge Descriptions 

  The specific Challenge Questions will also be included and listed at the top of the export, if "Yes" is selected. Once satisfied with the selections, choose the export format and click Submit.