Creating Custom Reports

This image is for reference, then the instructions follow below and are numbered to align with each number in the image.

1 Create New Report

When you're ready to create a new report, simply click on Create New Report.  Please notice below this button is where all Saved Reports appear.  Once you've run a Report, you are given the option to save that report to run again in the future.  To find it again, simply look under Saved Reports, click the link and all of your report settings will have been saved.

2 Title

Give your Report a meaningful title that will be remembered or useful to others.  If you're simply running a one time report, you can skip this step, but to save a report, a title is required.

3  Selected Events

Select the challenges you'd like included within the report.  All challenges past and current are available to Global Dashboard custom reporting.  Click the green icon next to the challenge name in the left hand side box to move it into Selected Events.  Click the red icon next to the challenge name under Selected Events to remove it from the report.

4 Select Required Data

For your specific report, you can choose a variety of data in the left hand column:

  • Idea
  • 5-star voting
  • Bubble up vote
  • Comments
  • Conclusion
  • Head to Head Review
  • Review
  • Any Flex Forms such as the Idea Next Steps form

In the right hand column, the available fields will appear based upon the selections you've made so far.  Check the fields you'd like to have included in your report.  In the example, we've chosen both Area (from the idea form) and Author.  You'll also see the Profile Identifiers listed as Category 1, Category 2, etc.  The Title of each profile identifier is populated when the User Details Configuration has been completed.

5 Conditions

Specify the conditions to be met to get the data you're looking for.  For example, in the image above, we only want the ideas where the area is equal to New Product Development.  Once you're satisified with the condition you've created, you'll need to click the green checkmark to accept the condition.  You can also use the red icon to delete the condition.  To add more conditions use the "and" or the "or" function.  If we wanted to find all ideas equal to New Product Development "and" author equals Jane Doe we would use the "and" function.  If we wanted to find all ideas equal to New Product Development "or" author equals Jane Doe we would use the "or" function.

The first scenario would give us only ideas where the area is New Product Development from Jane Doe.

The second scenario would give us all ideas with the area of New Product Development or authored by Jane Doe (even the ones she authored unrelated to New Product Development).

6 Run Report

When you're ready to view the results, click Run Report.  Each time you change a condition, you'll need to re-run the report.  You can then export your results to an Excel file.