Page Location:Admin > Review Process Setup > Conclusions 
Playbook Section:Conclude, Report & Close

For background and detailed information on the concept of Conclusions, see About Conclusions.

Field Descriptions


Type: identifies which conclusion process will be used and displayed to the reviewer. Defaulting to either a Quick or Full Conclusion allows the person completing the reviews to choose which type of conclusion is most appropriate for each idea. Quick or Full Conclusion only, allow only for the selected type of conclusion to be completed. Mass Conclusion is only available when quick conclusions are allowed.

Conclude Ideas Without Review

Making a Selection: in this menu gives Master Reviewers the ability to conclude ideas that have not yet been reviewed (or not). This allows ideas which are not suitable for review to be removed from the review team’s work.

More Settings

Edit Guidance: When used, presents the Reviewers with additional instruction when they are in edit mode (actively completing) a Conclusion.

Read Guidance: When used, presents the Reviewers with additional instruction when they are in read mode (reading a Conclusion already submitted).

Edit Conclusions: When allowed, the Master Reviewers & Review Team Leaders can change conclusions. This is most frequently used when Conclusions are made part of an on-going process rather than a standard Challenge.

Copy Ideas: When allowed, Master Reviewers can move or copy ideas from one Challenge to another. The roles Administrator, Oversight and Review Team Leader can always copy / move ideas into another Challenge.

Conclusion Author: Enables the name of the person who wrote the Conclusion to appear, or not.

Public Comment: Makes a Public Comment on an idea mandatory or optional. If Mandatory, the person writing the Conclusion will not be able to submit the conclusion with out a Public Comment.

Eligible Persons Responsible: Used only when the Person Responsible function is used, either allows everyone in profiles to be a possible Person Responsible (all users); or only those with access to the challenge (access to the event) to be an eligible Person Responsible.

Currency Symbol: Used only with full conclusions, allows the currency symbol to align with country of origin (i.e. dollars, euros, etc.)

Currency Position: Used only with Full Conclusions, allows the currency symbol to be placed appropriately (leading or trailing)