Review & Decide.mp4

Configure Head to Head Review Criteria
Give Instruction to Reviewers

Roles of the Review Team

As you think about an effective review process, it’s important to first consider the review team roles & responsibilities. Review teams play two key roles in innovation:

  • First, team members act as innovation catalysts by moderating the discussion while ideation and collaboration are live. Using primarily the comments function, they help idea generators clarify and strengthen their ideas.
  • Second, review teams use criteria to determine the top ideas – those ideas that have the greatest chance of meeting the business goal of the challenge.

A good review team:

  • Clearly understands the business goals meant to be achieved
  • Can dedicate time during the challenge
  • Is relatively small – about 5-8 individuals
  • Is comfortable both helping people expand their thinking, and making decisions
  • Takes ownership for timely completion of reviews

Setting Review Team Expectations 

Since the Review Team members have such a critical role in a challenge, they will need guidance from the Innovation Central Consultant. They will also need clear expectations up front, so they can succeed in their tasks and devote the appropriate time.

During the Ideate & Collaborate phase of the challenge, Review Team members are expected to go into the Challenge for 15 minutes each day and collaborate with the audience to help strengthen and build ideas. For most challenges this task will last for 2 weeks, so a total of 2.5 hours over 2 weeks.

The team will take a period of time, usually 1 week, to review the ideas. Most Reviewers will need about 1.5 total hours maximum to Review the ideas assigned to them. Once the results are in, the team will want to meet and discuss the top ideas to move forward. Most of these meetings are scheduled for 60-90 minutes. The review portion then will be approximately a 3-hour commitment over 2 weeks.

Head to Head Review

The Foundational Challenge Playbook uses the Head to Head (H2H) review method. This is the most widely-used review method when running Innovation Central challenges. The work completed to Define Outcomes will guide you to the appropriate review criteria.