Page Location:
Admin > Email Setup > Notifications

Field Descriptions

Followed Ideas allows users to track progress on Ideas through email notifications sent when new comments or reviews are submitted on the Ideas they are following.

Following: Enables the Follow This Idea option in the Actions menu, as shown in this example.

Schedule: Days on which to send the notification. Choose at least one and up to 5 days.  Because each person will only receive one email a day, and that is only if a followed idea has additional content added, it's recommended to set this to daily.

Subject: Brief description of the email contents, displayed in the recipient’s email inbox as the subject line. The challenge name will be appended to what is identified here, shown in quotes. 

Body: Contents of the email message. Bracketed text in each templated message indicates where you will want to edit the information unique to your challenge.  These fields are not automatically populated. (for example, EVENT NAME).

Email Body Header: Text to be displayed before the automated text identifying the followed Ideas.

Email Body Footer: Text to be displayed after the automated text identifying the followed Ideas.

Revert to Default: Click this button to return to the default email template language after making an changes to the default.

Subscriptions allows users to follow Ideas by particular areas or challenges.

Subscriptions: When enabled, any user who has subscribed to particular areas or challenges will receive email notifications according to the schedule set below. When there are subscribers, the View List link displays to allow you to see the full list of subscribers. 

Schedule: Days on which to send the notification. Choose at least one and up to 5 days.

Subject: Brief description of the email contents, displayed in the recipient’s email inbox as the subject line. The challenge name will be appended to what is identified here, shown in quotes. 

Body: Contents of the email message. Bracketed text in each templated message indicates where you will want to edit the information unique to your challenge.  These fields are not automatically populated. (for example, EVENT NAME).

Email Body Header: Text to be displayed before the automated text identifying the followed Ideas.

Email Body Footer: Text to be displayed after the automated text identifying the followed Ideas.

Revert to Default: Click this button to return to the default email template language after making an changes to the default.

Send a Link allows users to send an email notification to other users from an Idea, comment, review, conclusion or FlexForm. The notification contains a link to the idea and is sent immediately when the user hits send.

Send a Link: When enabled, the Send a Link option is added to the Actions bar menu and is accessible from all Ideas.

BCC Address: Email address to be added as an additional recipient on all Send a Link requests. The user who initiates the Send a Link request will not be aware of the other email address recipient.  This feature can be used to monitor how frequently links are sent within a challenge.

Bubble Up notifications send a weekly email to users who subscribe to the updates from the Bubble Up page. The notification includes the current ranking list, but excludes Ideas that have never been promoted or demoted. Read more about the Bubble Up feature here.

Weekly Update: When enabled, the Subscribe to Weekly Update Email link is displayed on the Bubble Up page.

Schedule: Days on which to send the notification. Choose at least one and up to 5 days.

Subject: Brief description of the email contents, displayed in the recipient’s email inbox as the subject line. The challenge name will be appended to what is identified here, shown in quotes. 

Body: Contents of the email message. Bracketed text in each templated message indicates where you will want to edit the information unique to your challenge.  These fields are not automatically populated. (for example, EVENT NAME).

Credit Update Alert: When enabled, an automatic email is sent to all uses who previously participated in Bubble Up voting, notifying them when additional credits are awarded. New credits are awarded according to the criteria set up in Collaboration Tools > Bubble Up.