Page Location:  Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Collaboration Tools > Bubble Up

Bubble Up enables users to prioritize Ideas by spending credits to move Ideas up or down a ranked list.  Example

To learn more about the process of Bubble Up, see About Bubble Up.


Field Descriptions

Enable: Opens the Bubble Up option to all users who have access to the challenge. You can choose to allow your users to use their credits to promote & demote Ideas, or to allow them only to promote Ideas. This is what users see when accessing Bubble Up: Example.

Score Visibility: Choose whether you want to allow all users to see the Bubble Up results, or limit access to only those with the Admin and Reviewer roles.

Credit Management: Determines when users will receive additional credits, as follows:

  • Weekly Renewal: Users receive the number of credits identified in the Credit Allowance field, and receive the same amount again every Sunday, as long as Bubble Up is enabled.
  • Fixed Pool: Users receive the number of credits identified in the Credit Allowance field. When an Idea is concluded, the number of credits spent on that Idea is returned to the users who spent the credits. DO THEY RENEW ALSO?
  • Manual: Users receive the number of credits identified in the Credit Allowance field. Additional credits are only given when the Update Credits Now feature is used.

Credit Allowance: The number of credits to allow for each user on a weekly basis. These credits are automatically renewed every Sunday. This is also the number of credits granted to users when the Update Credits Now feature is used.

User Credit Limit Per Idea: The maximum number of credits each user can spend on an Idea. 

Update Credits Now: Overrides the weekly Sunday points allocation. The Bubble Up Credit Alert is not sent when this option is used.

Remove All Votes: This function removes all Bubble Up votes and resets the ranking list. Users' credit allowance is not affected by this function. It is recommended that you you use the Export Records function before removing all votes.

Clear Excluded List: This function clears the list of Ideas excluded from Bubble Up voting, as identified at the top of the Bubble Up page.

Clear All Records: Removes all Bubble Up votes and resets the ranking list. This does not change users’ credit totals. It is advisable that you export Bubble Up records prior to using this option (see below).

Access: Choose whether you want to allow all users to access the Bubble Up page, or limit access to only those with the Admin and Reviewer roles. 

Guidance: Text that helps users understand the Bubble Up function. When Bubble Up is enabled, this text is always displayed. Example

Stats Display: When this option is enabled, the statistics related to Bubble Up voting are displayed at the top of the Bubble Up Ideas form, including: number of Ideas, cumulative credits spent, number of participants and cumulative promotes/demotes issued. 

Idea Page: Determines whether the Bubble Up tool is displayed at the top of the Idea page. This allows users to promote/demote directly from the Idea itself instead of through the Bubble Up page.

Browse Ideas Page: Determines whether the Bubble Up tool is displayed in the Browse Ideas view.

Restricted Ideas: Sometimes Ideas are restricted to be viewed by the review team only. Enabling this option will included those restricted Ideas in the Bubble Up voting, which is not advisable since it opens those Ideas to be viewed by the entire audience. It is only recommended that this option be enabled when the challenge is only open to the review team.

Concluded Ideas: Excluding Ideas that have been concluded, or finalized, from Bubble Up allows your audience to focus on only those Ideas that are still to be discussed or evaluated.

Author Names: Display or hide Idea author names in Bubble Up voting. When names are hidden in Bubble Up, they are still shown in the full view of the Idea Form.

Export Records: Creates a CSV file containing all the Bubble Up ranking data.