Page Location:
Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Tagging 

This page contains settings specific to tags associated with Ideas. Tags allow users to categorize Ideas by similar themes. These tags then result in a tag cloud which can be accessed on the Collaborate Space. Users can also search by Tags.

Field Descriptions


Enable: Determines whether users can add tags to Ideas.

Public/Review Tags

These section pertain to Public tags: those that apply to all Ideas, and Review tags: those that only apply to review and conclusion documents.

Enable: Determines whether tags are allowed and if so, then who is allowed to create tags. If disabled, then all existing tags are hidden and no new tags can be created.

Allowable Tags:

  • Free form: Users can type their own tags.
  • Free form with autocomplete: Users can type their own tags, but the autocomplete feature searches for similar text in an attempt to match existing tags.  This is the most frequent setting for Tagging.
  • Select from list: Users select tags from a pre-defined list. The Tag List field displays when this option is enabled.

Tag List: Tags from which users can select Idea tags. Type one tag per line and do not include special characters.

Manage Tags

Clear Public/Review Tags: Removes all submitted public or review tags from all Ideas and review documents, with the exception of those that have already been archived.

To view the resulting Tag cloud, Ideas by Tag must be enabled in the Collaborate Space Menu, or the Ideas by Review Tag must be enabled in the Review Menu.  

Ideas can then be viewed in a variety of ways by tag, by people, by most recent or a list of how all ideas are tagged.