If you have Mobile enabled, then the new Mobile interface displays automatically on your Smartphone. If you need Mobile enabled, then please contact Support. When Mobile is not enabled, your Smartphone will display a responsive version of Innovation Central where the desktop version is sized to fit your device screen size.

All Mobile settings are accessible in the desktop version of Innovation Central’s Admin Space. You cannot do any configuration in the Mobile interface directly. In the Admin Space, select Mobile to set Mobile display options.

Note that standard Innovation Central setup configuration options carry through to Mobile, so if you don’t see an expected option in Mobile (e.g., Comments and 5-star voting), then please check your setup in the Admin Space to ensure that all settings are set as desired.

  • App Details: Add a title to the top banner in the Mobile app to brand and identify your Mobile app to your users. This is also the title given to the screen icon if the user chooses to create a Mobile screen icon.
  • App Colors: Set the top banner color for the Mobile app header.
  • App Icons: Add an icon image to be displayed in the top banner of the Mobile app and the user’s Smartphone home screen. The App Icon image will only be displayed on the user’s mobile desktop if the “Add to home screen” option is initiated when the user entered a Challenge from the direct URL. If the user enters the Mobile app through the Portal, and then navigates to a Challenge, then the standard Imaginatik logo is displayed instead of the configured app icon.

Note: Event Hero and thumbnail images work best in Mobile when they are uploaded with a 4x3 ratio.


As with the desktop version of Innovation Central, make any desired changes to labels in the Mobile app in the Terminology section of the Admin Space. Remember that these changes only affect the current instance. Terminology specific to the Mobile app Portal are made in the Terminology section of the Portal Admin space. 

Other Mobile Options

Within the Mobile app, you can choose to add a shortcut icon to your mobile desktop and adjust the font size. Tap the Options menu button  in the top right corner of the Mobile app to set these options. 

Mobile with SSO

If your Innovation Central setup includes a Single-Sign-On (SSO) configuration, your system either needs to be accessible on the Internet or the mobile device has to be on a VPN to use the mobile app. The latter often involves a mobile device management suite, such as Good.

The browsers supported are Safari on iOS and Chrome on Android. We have tested the Innovation Central mobile interface with native browsers, but we have not tested with MDM browsers, such as Good, so we cannot predict the compatibility of those browsers, especially if they are configured in a very restrictive manner. For this reason, we advise customers with non-standard browsers to thoroughly test Mobile using your own devices and systems before launching an event.