Designing Profiles

The most effective approach to Profile, is to have the business team work together with the technical team.  The technical team's role is to support the upload process to ensure Profiles are correct and consistently updated.  The business team's role is to determine the best identifiers to support audience selection and reporting.

Most teams use either human resources data or email data to populate their Profiles.  Ultimately, the outcome should be to have a large upload as the program begins, followed by regular uploads to add new employees, disable Profiles for employees who have left the company, and make any other adjustments such as name changes.  Ideally, these regular uploads are automated by your technical team to happen daily.

Uploading Profiles

As the initial Profiles are uploaded, it's important to contact Imaginatik Support.  The team will set up a secure folder for your Profiles data, and work with you to ensure the Profiles are well-designed.  

After the Support team has been contacted, and the appropriate data has been selected, the technical team should follow the User Upload format to prepare Profiles for upload.

Access the upload templates here and read more about the options for creating Profiles here.