You deal with highly sensitive information. Security is a major concern for both you and your clients. What security measures are in place for Planbox Innovate?

Our servers are hosted in secure datacenters in multiple countries. Our primary hosting providers are Cybercon (US) and Aptum (CA) - they offer world class security and reliability. Learn more about security at Cybercon: , and at Aptum:

Data access - Our TLS encryption guarantees the highest levels of security, while permissions within our cloud software ensure users can access only the data you want them to see.

Application security - We have implemented a number of controls within our applications to ensure all data remains fully secure:

  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) ensures all information sent between your computers and our host server is encrypted
  • Access to the application is user-authenticated based on your user authentication system of choice including SSO or other third part authentication systems
  • Strict policies and controls on endpoint creation and access control lists where necessary
  • Role-based user access limits access to specific modules within the application

Data storage - Planbox employs Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) to protect and secure customer data. TDE performs real-time I/O encryption and decryption of the data and log files. The encryption uses a database encryption key (DEK). TDE protects data "at rest", meaning all data and log files. Data is encrypted using the latest most advanced commercially available encryption algorithm.

All customer data is stored in the same shared servers with hardened secure access protocols. Only designated pre-screened IT and DevOps resources have access to Planbox production systems. Planbox is as secure as any other enterprise-grade cloud offering. The biggest threat and vulnerability comes from your users disclosing their passwords to unauthorized individuals. Please contact us if you have any other questions related to security. We can arrange for you to speak with one of our senior product management resources if you need further information.

Other Relevant Policies, Processes or Guidance

Data backup policy and procedure: What is your data backup policy and procedure?

Information Security Policy: Information and Cyber Security Policy  

Change Management Policy: Cloud Change Management Policy

Root Cause Analysis: Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Privacy policy: