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Admin > Email Setup >Review Process Emails

Review Process email messages are all notifications related to reviews.  Review process emails are generally used for large review teams, or on-going processes where regular email is of benefit to the review team members and the process. When running a standard challenge, consider whether the emails would be beneficial or bothersome to reviewers.

Field Descriptions

Reminder Emails Stop Date

Date: Latest date when you want to send reminder emails for reviews, conclusions, and Ask the Expert submissions. The date form is DD MMM YYYY.

Review/Head-to-Head/Conclusion Reminder

Enable: When enabled, the reminder notification is sent according to the filter settings in Special Roles. These notifications are sent between 3:00 – 5:00 AM server time. Review reminders are sent to those with the Reviewer role and Conclusion reminders are sent to those with the Review Team Leader and Master Reviewer roles.

The fields for the following email types are defined below:

  • Ask an Expert Email: Sent out immediately when the Reviewer submits the expert request.
  • Ask an Expert Reminder Email: If the expert review has not been saved as final and the Idea has not yet been concluded, then the expert receives two reminder emails, one sent two days prior to the expert review due date, and the second reminder is sent on the due date.
  • Person Responsible Email: Sent to the Person Responsible listed in a conclusion. This message is sent between 3:00 and 5:00 AM EST the day after the conclusion is submitted.
  • Conclusion Email: Sent automatically to the Idea author(s) between 3:00 and 5:00 AM server time the day after the final conclusion is submitted. Each author and co-author receives one conclusion email per Idea concluded. Note there is one setup form for original conclusion mails and another for revised conclusions.

Enable: When enabled, conclusion emails will be sent to the Idea author. It is advisable that you leave this setting disabled until all Ideas have been concluded so that all Idea authors receive feedback at the same time.

Subject: Brief description of the email contents, displayed in the recipient’s email inbox as the subject line.

Treat as HTML: When enabled, allows you to include HTML tags to allow for additional formatting options, or plain text to send email messages without any formatting. See Text Editor options for more on text formatting options.

Body: Contents of the email message. Bracketed text in each templated message indicates where the system will automatically populate the email message from what is set in Event Details (for example, Idea Title).

Revert to Default: Click this button to return to the default email template language after making an changes to the default.

Send Test Mail: Click this button to send the email to specified addresses prior to the full audience send. When this function is initiated, identify email addresses for the recipients in the Enter Recipients dialog box, one email address per line.