Page Location:Admin > Assign Permissions > Event Access 

About Event Access provides background and information to consider when deciding who should access each challenge. 

Event Access is also closely related to Profiles Identifiers and it may be helpful to review this section as well.


Field Descriptions

Access Type:

  • All users: opens the challenge to all users with an active Innovation Central profile.  
  • Allow only Administrators: opens the challenge only to those with the Administrator Special Role. If there are other Special Roles already set up for this challenge, they are disabled with this option is selected.
  • Allow only Special Roles: opens the challenge only to those with assigned Special Roles, as set in Admin > Assign Permissions > Special Roles.
  • Allow a filtered audience using Profile identifiers: opens the challenge only to those matching criteria in the Profiles database, as defined in the Internal users and External users fields below; or opens the challenge according to the settings in the Include by name and Exclude by Name fields below.
  • Allow a filtered audience using Communities: opens the challenge only to those identified in a user Community. A community can include anyone with a current profile in Innovation Central.  

Internal/External Users: These fields are only displayed when the “filtered audience” option is selected in the Access Type field. Choose to either allow all or no users, or select your audience based on filters as set in the Internal/External Audiences field.

Internal/External Audiences: This field is only displayed when the “refine with filters” option is selected in the Internal/External Users field. Click the Add Audience button to launch the Edit Audience page where you set up and manage internal audiences based on Profile identifiers.

Include/Exclude by Name: These fields are only displayed when the “filtered audience” or “communities” option is selected in the Access Type field. Names identified in these fields override any other access settings. Type the first few letters of the user’s first or last name and click the desired user name to added it to the excluded list. Remove any selected names by clicking the x next to the user name.

Filter Communities: This field is only displayed when the “communities” option is selected in the Access Type field.

  • To use a Community already loaded into the system, select the Existing User Communities option and then click the Add Communities button in the User Communities field.
  • To add a new Community, select the Upload New Community option, and then click the Upload a New Community button in the New Community field.

User Communities: This field is only displayed when the “communities” option is selected in the Access Type field. Communities that are available in the system are listed in this field.

  • To remove an existing user Community, click the Remove link next to the Community name.
  • To add a Community that is not already shown in this field, click the Add Communities button to launch the list of available Communities. If the desired Community is not shown, then choose the Upload a New Community option instead.

New Community:

  1. If you don’t already have the Community template, select the Download CSV Template link. If you don’t see this link, click the Show Guidance link at the top of the page.
  2. Follow the instructions in the template file, and then click the Add a New Community button.
  3. Identify a name for the Community.
  4. Click the Choose File button to locate the newly created CSV file, and then click Submit.