Page Location:

Admin > Set Up Idea Collection > Workflow > FlexForms Setup Details > New FlexForm Alert 

This page contains the criteria for FlexForms notifications.

Field Descriptions

Alert Type: Whether the notification is to be sent when the FlexForm is first created, every time the FlexForm is submitted, on a specific date, or when a specific condition is met (for example, when deadline = December 31, 2016).


Recipients by Name: Names of Innovation Central users to receive the notification. Begin typing a user’s first or last name and related results are displayed.
Recipients by Field: Select name fields to also send notifications to the people associated with these roles.

Email Contents

Subject: Summary of the notification.
Body: Contents of the email notification. A link to the FlexForm document is included at the end of the body text.
Sender Name: Name to be shown as the email sender. Leave this field blank to use the default sender name.
Email Address: Email address from which the notification is to be sent. Leave this field blank to use the default email address.

The image below gives a quick look at the power of FlexForm Alerts.  There are several types of alerts which can be combined with conditions that are specific to your workflow.