Access Type

When considering Access Type, most teams open their challenges to all employees but focus their marketing on a smaller subset of invitees.  The thought process here is that while there is a targeted group who can impact the issue at hand, there may be others who have backgrounds or experience with the specific challenge topic.  These individuals will most likely be invited by word of mouth, and should be able to access the challenge.  

Unless the challenge topic is sensitive or confidential, consider opening the challenge to all employees.

Filtered Audience using Profiles Identifiers

When access does need to be restricted, the simplest way is to use Filters with Profiles Identifiers.  The implication here is that as you create your Innovation Central environment holistically, consider using Profiles Identifiers that naturally align with how audiences might be set up.  This could include:

  • Department Name
  • Manager Name
  • Cost Code
  • Location

Using Communities

There are times when the best audience is a mix of unrelated individuals, or profiles identifiers are not set up.  The best option in this scenario is to use Communities to define the audience.  Communities allows the upload of individuals to define an audience.  These individuals must already have a profile in Innovation Central, this is not a method to upload new profiles.

One very special use case to be aware of is using Communities in conjunction with employees who do not have email addresses.  For example, employees who work in a manufacturing environment may not have an assigned company email address, so a generic email address is used for all of these individuals (because a profile must contain an email address).

Communities also uses email address within the functionality, so generic email is used, then all of the individuals with that email address will be included.  In this unusual scenario, the best option is to add or block by name in addition to using the community.  Choosing add or block would be based on which is the shorter & therefore faster list to complete manually.