Page Location:Admin > Prepare For Your Event > Event Details 


Field Descriptions

Event Name

The name of your challenge.  This will appear throughout Innovation Central such as the navigation bar if configured, the search results and exports.  Keep the name brief and descriptive.

Start Date

The earliest date when the challenge will be available to users, DD MMM YYYY format. The New Idea button will not appear in the Collaborate Space until 12:01 AM EST  on the start date, so while configuring the challenge, include today's date to preview the Idea Form. This is a required field.  

End Date

 The latest date when Ideas can be submitted. The New Idea button will be disabled in the Collaborate Space at 11:59 PM EST. Leave this field blank to allow new submissions indefinitely, such as with an on-going process improvement challenge.


 Name of the person or department supporting the event. 


 Name of the person, in addition to the Sponsor, who is supporting the event.


 Description of the challenge that includes the intent and desired outcome. HTML tags are allowed in this field. Sponsor, Contact and Objective all appear in search results, so be as descriptive as possible. Example

Audience Size

 Number of people to be invited to participate in the challenge. Participants are be contributors (submitting Ideas, comments, etc.).

Audience Description

 Description of the group of people invited to participate in the challenge.


 Language in which the challenge will be displayed. 

Event Hero Image

 Graphic image to represent the challenge in the Collaborate Space when using Visual Themes, as well as in Jive and Sharepoint. Click the image button to select or change the selected image via the image selection dialog. 

Event Thumbnail Image

 Graphic image to represent the challenge in the Portal, Jive and Sharepoint. Click the image button to select or change the selected image via the image selection dialog.