The Cobalt Color Override Script provides an easy way to brand common user interface Cobalt elements with a customized color theme.

There are two CSS files:

To apply the CSS files to the Event or Portal, open the CSS file and copy and paste the contents of the file into Admin > Styles > Additional CSS of the Event or Portal. The default color that will be applied by the Override Script is Red.  To change the color of the various elements, replace the hex color in the Script to the color of your choice. The hex color will change the colors of the elements listed above the color. If you aren’t sure how your elements will render, you can change elements one at a time to see where the color changes in the application.

An example of the code that you will edit in the Script is:


            color: #f00;


To change the hex color red (#f00) to black, replace the #f00 with #000000.

If you would like to maintain the default Cobalt blue theme for some but not all of the elements, you can revert the selected elements to the default Cobalt theme colors below:

  • Primary Cobalt blue = #0089ca
  • Hover Cobalt blue (slightly darker shade) = #006697