Page Location:
Admin > Additional Setup > Header & Footer 

Field Descriptions


  • Display Portal Link: Identify which roles are able to see the Portal link in the header, as identified in the Destination Portal field. For challenges open to internal and external audiences, it is recommended that this option be enabled for internal users only.

  • Destination Portal: Specific Portal the Portal link will launch. If Home Portal is selected, then the Portal identified in the users' Profile will be used. If this option is selected and the user's Profile does not specify a home Portal, then the first Portal listed here will be used.

  • Portal Link Text: Text to identify the destination Portal link in the header.


  • Copyright: When enabled, the standard Imaginatik copyright is displayed on all pages.

  • Customer Footer: Add any text to be displayed at the bottom of every page in the site. This is useful for including confidentiality or terms of use information. HTML and JavaScript can be used in this field.

Shared Files

Files Permission: Identify the roles that are allowed to upload files to the Shared Files area when it is enabled in the Collaborate Space Menu.