
The FlexForm export allows for export FlexForms and their corresponding Ideas as a text or CSV file.

Select the name of the FlexForm to be exported. The Idea Next Steps Form is always included.  Any FlexForms created with the FlexForm Configurator and enabled in the specific instance would also appear.

Select the export format, and hit submit.

The FlexForm export includes the following data: idea title, idea author(s), date idea submitted, idea description, area(s), values for each of the additional idea form questions, recommendation, IdeaID, event name, FlexForm author, date FlexForm created, name of last person to modified the FlexForm, date FlexForm was last modified, values for each of the form fields, attachments, document URL and the idea reference number. 

Converting Idea ID to Clickable URL

If the Idea ID is in column P, then create a formula like this in a blank column:


Replace “demo” with the appropriate values for your own Innovation Central deployment.

Copy the cell (not the formula) to the other cells in the column.