Event Summary Report

The Event Summary Report is a PDF containing charts and graphs of activity within your challenge.  Number of Ideas by Challenge is one example of what appears in the Event Summary Report.

To create your Event Summary Report, select the information you'd like included, and the email addresses of those individuals who should receive the report.  Each section is highlighted in detail below the image. 

Select the information you want included in the report. Sections for which no data is available are automatically excluded. It can take up to 60 minutes for the report to be generated after you click submit. When the report is ready, it will be emailed to the recipients specified.  The following outlines how to configure each section & what's included in the section.  You are able to include or exclude sections for the appropriate audiences.

1 - Dates & Recipients

  • Specific Report Dates
    Enter a date range if you want to generate statistics for a sub-period of the event. In the PDF report, the data for the period you specify is displayed next to the statistics for the full event period.
  • Report Recipients
    Enter the email addresses of the people you want to receive the report. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma or semicolon. 

2 - Report Contents

The event summary consists of two tables. One contains background information about the event – including the event dates, sponsor, purpose, audience description and number of invitees, and is always included. The other contains key event statistics – including the number of visitors, contributions, authors by submission type and ideas by conclusion recommendation, and is optional.

3 - Event Participation

This section of the report includes charts depicting the event participation over time. It covers trends for the following indicators – including the number of event hits, visitors, ideas, builds (comments and FlexForms) and 5-star ratings.

4 - Conclusions

This section of the report includes the conclusion recommendation options and the full conclusion scores, if any have been submitted as final. The number of ideas concluded in the specific report dates (if configured) is also displayed.

5 - Reviews

This section of the report includes the review recommendation options and the full review scores, if any have been submitted as final. The number of reviews by reviewer and other review statistics are also included.  Head to Head Review is not included.

6 - 5-Star Rating

This section includes the number of people who have submitted a 5-star rating, the number of ideas that have received a rating, and the distribution of ratings along the 1- to 5-star scale.

7 - Idea Categorization

  • Idea Organization and Additional Questions
    This section includes charts that show the number of ideas by area, challenge and idea form question.
  • Profile Identifiers
    This section includes charts that depict the distribution of ideas by profile identifier.

8 - Collaboration

This section includes statistics on the number of comments submitted, and the number of authors for each. It also includes lists of the people who have submitted the most ideas, comments and 5-star ratings.

9 - Featured Ideas

You can include specific ideas in the report. Enter a title for this section of the report. For example, "Top 5 Ideas” or “Interesting Ideas.” Then list the idea reference number of the IdeaID of ideas you want to include. The idea reference number (if available) is displayed next to the idea title when reading an idea. The IdeaID is listed in the Event Export report. Separate multiple entries with a carriage return.

10 - Glossary

This section contains a glossary of terms used throughout the report.