1 - Force Update

Shows the latest update to the statistics, and allows you to update them in real time using the Force Update button.

2 - Export as CSV

Gives the option to export the dashboard as a .csv file - includes both the goals you've set, and the actuals.

3 & 4 - Tables for Goals & Actuals

The Event Goals view allows you to configure targets for sets of metrics and monitor your progress towards achieving them.

Enter your target values into the relevant fields and save them with the button that is made available. Your progress will be shown graphically and as a percentage of your target. The activity statistics depict how visitors have interacted with this event:

  • Event Visitor – a person who has accessed this event
  • Event Hits – the number of page views generated in this event
  • Contributors – event visitors who have submitted a final idea, comment or FlexForm. The total contributors may actually be higher than the total visitors to an event. This occurs if an idea is moved from another event or the Warehouse into this event, and the author of that idea has not actually entered this event. They are recorded as a contributor, but not as a visitor.
  • Idea Authors – event visitors who have submitted a final idea (excludes co-authors)
  • Build Authors – event visitors who have submitted a comment or FlexForm
  • People Who Voted on Ideas – event visitors who have submitted a 5-star vote

The submission statistics depict the type and quantity of contributions made to this event:

  • Total Contributions – the number of final ideas, comments and FlexForms submitted
  • Ideas – the number of final ideas submitted
  • Comments – the number of comments submitted
  • FlexForms – the number of FlexForm submitted
  • Votes Cast on Ideas – the number of 5-star votes submitted

The evaluation statistics only include the progress and distribution of the quick & full review processes.  

  • Reviews – the number of final reviews submitted
  • Conclusions – the number of final conclusions submitted
  • Conclusions by Recommendation – If conclusions have been submitted, the number of final conclusions per recommendation