Operational Pivots to Improve Contribution Quality

Seed Ideas
Did we include at least 2-3 seed ideas? This helps your participants overcome the barrier of being the first one into the system. It also shows the participants what a quality idea includes (i.e., clarity, length & completeness of ideas).

Review Team 
Ask your review team to go into the event and share their ideas and comment on ideas others have contributed. By having them model the desired behaviors within your event, participants will gain a clearer understanding of what is expected.

Clarity of the Challenge
Is everything clear to your audience? Do they understand the problem and how you are asking them to participate in solving the problem? Ask a few participants to share their feedback with you.

Live Sessions
Try a face-to-face brainstorming session and input those ideas into Innovation Central. If you’ve got a particularly complex challenge, this may be a way to help spark creative solutions. If you are getting ideas, but very little collaboration, set collaboration goals and/or re-communicate how to use peer review and comments.

Rewards and Recognition
Try doing something completely unexpected. For example, give away a T-shirt or similar item to those who have contributed ideas & comments so far. It not only recognizes the behavior you’re trying to drive, but offers an opportunity to create awareness as well.