Ask The Audience (ATA) – This module enables a Question and Answer Forum. Participants pose questions to peers and experts, who then answer the questions.

Blog – The Blog module functions as a blog primarily around the innovation program. The Blog can be accessed through the Portal, or a link to the blog placed on any web page. Topics relate to success stories, progress updates and creativity focused articles.

Challenge – A challenge is a time-limited on-line crowd-sourcing event that targets a specific business outcome. The Challenge Method is the way to successfully execute a challenge.

Comments - Comments are additional builds upon an idea. Comments add richness and diverse perspectives to initial ideas to make them "better" in some way - broader perspective, more feasibility, etc.

Converge - in the innovation process, once the team is ready to converge, it's time to make decisions.  Decisions can be made on concrete data, such as feasibility to drive incremental innovation.  Decisions can also be made on most intriguing, but not currently possible ideas to drive breakthrough innovation.

CrowdRating - CrowdRating refers to methods which allow a group "The Crowd" to express opinions.  In Innovation Central, The Crowd can express an opinion using Head to Head Review, Bubble Up and 5-Star Voting.

CrowdSourcing - CrowdSourcing refers to methods gathering ideas from a large group "The Crowd".  Using Innovation Central, crowdsourcing can be done internally, externally, with small groups such as a department or as large as open to the general public.

Decision Making - In the context of innovation, decision making can be difficult because of the limited information available with early stage concepts.  Using review processes such as Head to Head review helps teams make the best decisions possible at a single point in time.

Default Email - Innovation Central is the default sender / default email associated with all email coming from Innovation Central.  This can be changed to fit each individual company's needs.  Simply send an email to [email protected] to request a default email / default sender that aligns with your innovation program branding.

Discovery Central - Discovery Central is a digital platform solely devoted to capturing, mashing, and synthesizing insights to capture new whitespace opportunities. A virtual "sticky note" system that can be used both in-person and virtually, Discovery Central helps teams uncover trends and develop market hunches that lead to breakthroughs.

Diverge - in the innovation process, diverging means to open up thinking and ideas as broadly as possible.  No decisions are made during the diverge portion of the innovation process to push ideas and thinking as broadly and creatively as possible.

External Access Module - The external access module gives an environment the option to add external profiles.  Event Access can then be configured for internal v. external profiles and a Terms of Use can be configured specifically for those with external profiles. 

GCD - Global Configuration Dashboard is available only to the team working at [email protected].  Here, they configure settings for passwords, external access and other global settings.

Hits - Hits are "page clicks", and give an indication of how active people are within an instance.  If the content is interesting and inspiring, we assume people will be more active and we will see more "hits" because more ideas are being read, etc.

Innovation Central Instance – One copy of the Innovation Central program offering the ability to go all the way from idea collection through idea conclusion on a single Challenge.

Innovation Central Environment - 

Meta-Portal – Is not a physical space, rather a process that enables individuals to move from portal to portal. Can be helpful if companies have a large number of portals.

Portal – An engaging landing page displaying all available challenges and other innovation program related information.

Results Engine - The Results Engine module helps teams manage projects coming out of ideation processes (such as Challenges), and more holistically to manage the innovation pipeline across a variety of 

Server Time - Email from Innovation Central are sent at a variety of times, often referred to in the guide as "server time".  For our customers in Europe, this is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and for customers in the Americas, this is Eastern Time.

Unique Users - This term is found in the Global Dashboard and refers to the unique logins regardless of how many instances that individual has visited.

Unique Visitors - This term refers to the unique individuals who have visited an individual instance.