Making sense of the hundreds of ideas that are generated in an event is a daunting, sometimes infeasible task. Idea Clustering can help by building a categorized, prioritized summary of hundreds of ideas and comments.

Idea Clustering is similar to Content Radar in that it condenses an event into useful and summarized bins. But where Content Radar needs predefined bins (strength, weakness, partnerships, technology, etc.), clustering figures out the best-fit bins without human input or bias.

In this example, clustering has created a prioritized summary of the 850 ideas and comments in a chemical pilot plant challenge and put them into 30 keyword-tagged categories. The striped chromosome at the top shows that ideas, colored by category, arrive in no particular order. The chromosome below shows the ideas sorted into their best-fit categories, in the same color order as the detailed list below.

This challenge had no user-checkbox about steam trap ideas, yet here are all the ideas on that topic neatly binned together. If you’re interested in the topic, they’re all here, or if not you can simply skip the entire cluster without further distraction.